Category: Cooking and Ingredients

  • Spiced Beef for Christmas

    By Honor Moore. Traditional Spiced Beef was made at Christmas. A piece or brisket was used as  the fat in these cuts of beef fat held the flavour of the spices.   Now it is more often made with a piece of “corned beef” with the spices being added afterwards  but it can be completely prepared…

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  • Game

    By Biddy White-Lennon. We are fond of game whether furred or feathered in our household. We live in an area rich in game and once the season starts Camolin Woods or the hill ridge above our house where I take my daily walk become hard hat areas. Mind you to be really safe from a…

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  • 19 ways to eat yourself healthy

    Healthy eating is not just about shedding pounds. The food you eat will govern the condition of your skin, eyes, hair and bones and is pivotal in protecting your body against heart disease, cancer and other illnesses. But it doesn’t have to be a drag, Lizzie Meagher lists 19 ways to eat well healthily! 1.…

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  • Blackberry and apple crumble

    By Charlotte Coleman-Smith. Blackberry and apple crumble was one of the first things I ever cooked. Let’s be honest – I was a mere spectator, but with the arrogance of extreme youth, I believed it was mostly down to me. My dear mother did not disillusion me. Thus confidence is gained, and peace reigns. I…

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  • Asparagus

    By Nuala Cullen. Asparagus, surprisingly, is a member of the lily family, and like so many interesting vegetables, came originally from the Mediterranean, though it has been it has been ‘native’ to these shores for hundreds of years. In the past it was widely grown in Ireland and few comfortable farms or country houses were without an…

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  • Bringing Home the Bacon

    By Georgina Campbell. St Patrick’s Day brings culinary thoughts around to traditional cooking, and March is a good time to remember the pig. It was probably the first domestic animal to be brought to Ireland and, although its absolute supremacy was later challenged by cattle and sheep, many will remember well that every country household…

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