Category: Food Culture and History

  • Social Responsibility

    An edited version of this feature first appeared in the Sunday Times on 18th October 2015. By Corinna Hardgrave / Ask any of the world’s top chefs what they think is the most important food trend of the moment, and the answer will not be farm to fork or foraging; it is food waste.…

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  • Real Bread Ireland & Real Bread Week

    As the mainstream bakery sector gears up to promote their National Bread Week, Real Bread Ireland, the newly-established network of independent Irish craft bakers are set to unveil their own alternative programme of events, Real Bread Week (October 4th-10th). Real Bread Week is a programme of demos, talks, tastings and open days that are free…

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  • Ballymaloe LitFest 2015

    Already highly-anticipated, the third Kerrygold Ballymaloe Literary Festival of Food and Wine runs from 15th-17th May 2015, and tickets for the event go on sale on 7th January. From world-famous chefs to boutique coffee roasters, guerrilla gardeners to polished restaurateurs, cocktail specialists to renowned wine makers, the unique international approach of the Kerrygold Ballymaloe Literary…

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  • A Little Taste of Mexico Around Ireland

    For fourth consecutive year, the Mexican Gastronomic and Cultural Festival, “A Taste of Mexico” has showcased food, drinks, music and fashion from all over the 31 States of Mexico and Mexico City to Ireland in the week-long festival that has been running this week, ending on Sunday 23rd November. Mexican food has become the food…

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  • Concrete Tiki: Programme of Food Events, Workshops and Experiments at IMMA this July

    The programme of Concrete Tiki reflects a current atmosphere of collaboration between food and art, while responding to the exhibition that will launch in IMMA at that time: a retrospective of the work of Brazilian artist Hélio Oiticica that will run from July 19th to October 5th in the museum. Michelle Darmody, The Cake Café,…

    Read more: Concrete Tiki: Programme of Food Events, Workshops and Experiments at IMMA this July

  • What’s In A Name?

    By Lizzie Gore-Grimes. There are so many wonderful ways to enjoy food – eating it, of course, is best. But talking about it comes a close second. They say we eat with our eyes, and a well-presented plate does, indeed, set the saliva glands going, but what about eating with our ears? Isn’t there something…

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  • Irish Food Culture: A Game Of Two Halves, Where Those At The Bottom Will Suffer The Most

    By Suzanne Campbell. As the horsemeat scandal widens to include giant food labels like Nestle and the world’s biggest beef processor JBS, again we see food fraud happening not at farm level but at secondary processing level and the trade of ‘beef’ in a snakes and ladders game encompassing a global set of players. In…

    Read more: Irish Food Culture: A Game Of Two Halves, Where Those At The Bottom Will Suffer The Most

  • What Is Good Food?

    By Lucy Madden. What is good food? There is no consensus on this – far from it – and unlike the universal acknowledgement of what, say, constitutes good scenery, ideas of what contributes to a good meal differ widely. This is strange in some ways because you might assume that human bodies everywhere have the…

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  • Gourmet Cooking Experience in France

    By Jeanne Quigley. When I saw the ad ‘Places available for journalists on a Gourmet Explorer Cookery Course in France’ I jumped at the opportunity. Five days in the kitchen with a Michelin-starred chef and a Chef d’Excellence – what could be better? I contacted owner Moira Martindale immediately and a couple of weeks later,…

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  • Sensational Sweetmeats

    Lizzie Gore-Grimes enjoys sampling the variety of sweet treats that this time of year is synonymous with the world over… There may be wonderful roasts and succulent birds to savour, not to mention goose-fat crisped potatoes and warm, spiced wine, but for many people it’s the surfeit of sweetmeats that the festive season is really…

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