Food For Thought

2018 Community Food Award launched

Social Responsibility tops the agenda for the 2018 Community Award launched today. IFWG annual Community Food Award opens for applications. Nominations are being invited by The Irish Food Writers’ Guild…

2017 Food Awards

The passing down of recipes and traditional farming and production methods from generation to generation has been instrumental in helping Ireland’s food legacy to endure, according to Aoife Carrigy, Chairperson…

IFWG Cookbook Sale

With more than 60 members ranging from cookery authors to broadcasters and journalists, food stylists and recipe developers to magazine editors, the Irish Food Writers’ Guild are a diverse bunch.…

Urgent Concerns on Food Sovereignity

The Irish Senate has passed a motion calling on the Irish government to reject the provisional application of the CETA (Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement ) with Canada at the Council…

Garlic Scapes

Georgina Campbell writes about her discovery and love of a lesser-known seasonal vegetable. It’s fair to say that garlic scapes are a pretty new concept to most Irish cooks, but…

Irish Gin & Tonic Fest

Last year, Great Irish Beverages produced Dublin Gin & Tonic Fest - a citywide celebration of Irish gins. For 2016, they are taking the festival  around the entire island of…

No Kidding

As goat meat is in season, Georgina Campbell hopes the world’s most popular meat may soon be featuring on more Irish menus. The goat is the most widely used farm…

Review: Ox

Following Ox's recent award of a Michelin Star, we thought we'd republish Leslie Williams' review from our Guild trip to Belfast last January, which included a meal in the celebrated…